Vladimir Zapryanov, " In contemplation of freedom", 12 april - 09 may 2023

12 April 2023 - 09 May 2023
Organizer: Aspect gallery
On the eve of the Easter holidays, Vladimir Zapryanov presents his sixth solo exhibition at Gallery Aspect.      
"In contemplation of freedom" is a kind of creative assessment of the author, in the jubilee 60th year of his life,
based around the idea of ​​the meaning of life, which gives the freedom of the spirit in all its dimensions,
and immersion in contemplation, as a tool for awareness her, penetrating behind the visible
and reaching the spiritual essence of things.

"These paintings on the eve of the great Resurrection of Christ are my humble aspiration to give their viewers
an occasion to turn to the contemplation of the good in themselves. Because it is in every soul, regardless of time
and circumstances. The visible in them is the occasion, and the invisible is a collage of mysticism, penetration
and suggestions from the parallel spiritual world of man. The balance between visible and invisible, between abstract
and real, between form and color, are my plastic approach to the depth of this essential subject.
The adoring observation of nature, in which consciousness and the phenomenon are penetrated, is what prompted me
to create these paintings," says Vlado Zapryanov.    

To our great regret, health problems prevent the author's presence at the opening, but he addresses the following
to his viewers: "I hope that my paintings will adequately represent what is written here. Creating them was a pleasure for me.
I will be glad if my contemplation becomes yours too! Because art always changes the fabric of living life…”    

The opening of the exhibition "In contemplation of freedom" will be held on April 12, between 5:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m.!